Thursday 11 August 2016

PHP PDO Simple Library With CRUD Functions

Download the library files  from:

## To use the class
#### 1. Edit the database settings in the settings.ini.php
### Note if PDO is loading slow change localhost to -> !
host =
user = root
password =
dbname = yourdatabase

The easyCRUD is a class which you can use to easily execute basic SQL operations like(insert, update, select, delete) on your database.
It uses the database class I've created to execute the SQL queries.

Actually it's just a little ORM class.

## How to use easyCRUD
#### 1. First, create a new class. Then require the easyCRUD class.
#### 2. Extend your class to the base class Crud and add the following fields to the class.
#### Example class :

class YourClass  Extends Crud {

  # The table you want to perform the database actions on
  protected $table = 'persons';

  # Primary Key of the table
  protected $pk  = 'id';


## EasyCRUD in action.

#### Creating a new person
// First we"ll have create the instance of the class
$person = new person();

// Create new person
$person->Firstname  = "Kona";
$person->Age        = "20";
$person->Sex        = "F";
$created            = $person->Create();

//  Or give the bindings to the constructor
$person  = new person(array("Firstname"=>"Kona","age"=>"20","sex"=>"F"));
$created = $person->Create();

// SQL Equivalent
"INSERT INTO persons (Firstname,Age,Sex) VALUES ('Kona','20','F')"
#### Deleting a person
// Delete person
$person->Id  = "17";
$deleted     = $person->Delete();

// Shorthand method, give id as parameter
$deleted     = $person->Delete(17);

// SQL Equivalent
"DELETE FROM persons WHERE Id = 17 LIMIT 1"
#### Saving person's data
// Update personal data
$person->Firstname = "John";
$person->Age  = "20";
$person->Sex = "F";
$person->Id  = "4";
// Returns affected rows
$saved = $person->Save();

//  Or give the bindings to the constructor
$person = new person(array("Firstname"=>"John","age"=>"20","sex"=>"F","Id"=>"4"));
$saved = $person->Save();

// SQL Equivalent
"UPDATE persons SET Firstname = 'John',Age = 20, Sex = 'F' WHERE Id= 4"
#### Finding a person
// Find person
$person->Id = "1";

echo $person->Firstname;
// Johny

// Shorthand method, give id as parameter

// SQL Equivalent
"SELECT * FROM persons WHERE Id = 1"
#### Getting all the persons
// Finding all person
$persons = $person->all();

// SQL Equivalent
"SELECT * FROM persons